Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day One of One Hundred and Sixty Eight

Yes I was the oldest, but I fully expected that. I have a hard time telling age anymore, guessing the average age was 24ish. The drive up was so unexpectedly easy that I arrived 35 minutes early. I packed a lunch of turkey sandwich on high fiber bread, an orange and a fruit cup that Soren begged for at the store and then promtly rejected at home. My guess is that I will lose those annoying few extra pounds I have been carrying around since Soren's birth since I do not snack at all during those days. At home I put things in my mouth for the sake of something to do. The day was long and intense with information being shot at us from our instructors, who were somewhat ditzy but seem to know their stuff. We received all our stuff including 5 mannequin heads (meet Larry above).

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